Sunday, April 29

do you remember that autumn in 1977 when the poltergeist kept throwing you around our room?
it hid my polyvelt shoes over and over again and i kept accusing you and we fought about it all the time.
and that really scary night when dad took this picture...we got no sleep that night, did we?.
the worst time was that weekend when it kept playing 'electricity' by orchestral manoeuvers in the dark on the casio keyboard you got for your 13th - 'cos i hated that song. looking back it was really weird. i mean, the keyboard didn't even have a plug on it (dad put it on your hairdryer, remember?) and 'electricity' wasn't even released until 1979.


h said...

i LOVE this

did you ever watch 'ghostwatch'? must've been in like... 1992-ish? with sarah green and michael parkinson and craig charles? this made me think of it. it was so good. of course, i was 11 at the time and the show scared the crap out of me.

hope you are feeling a little better xoxo

Anonymous said...

I HATE that picture. Too scary

Anonymous said...

Well...I was born in 1979....

Johann Carlisle said...

That is a really scary story. How do you manage to sleep at nights?

Sian Macfarlane said...

wow, I randomly found your profile through a love of Valerie, I'm new to this blog thing, and this picture made me jolt with recognition, but I wasn't sure why. Then remembered, there was a program a little while ago about this girl. I love what you've written, the story is geniunely scary. i'm now gonna explore some more!Sianx