Tuesday, January 8

  1. the most memorable winter
  2. i could still run
  3. hard ground, no gloves
  4. i don't know if he believed in heaven or not and i dared not ask and he could not speak
  5. i was hungry but did not want to go home
  6. i started to believe at some point that i was my father, not just like him
  7. of course i imagine him under the ground, no doubt so does she but all we talk about are the hyacinths and miniature daffodils that make his bed
  8. always coming back to this / these thoughts / this field / that day
  9. winter sun / son in my eyes


longcat said...

lovely picture and lovely words too stringbean x love you x

Captain Annie said...

my favorite kind of beautiful. happy new year love xo

Anonymous said...

I am trapped in a Kingdom far, far away....I shall return to blog land as soon as I can solve the last riddle....

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way, Anya=L'enfant now...but you knew that anyway.

Anonymous said...

how how how we keep living on the ground

Anonymous said...

i find the feelings of my own memories behind yours.